Thursday, April 19, 2012

april 5 - 11th....full moon

april is plodding along and the weather becoming much warmer and more pleasant every day.   but, where are the spring showers???  because of the warmer weather and prolonged daylight  i'm spending  more time outside with my granddaughter uma taking leisurely walks through the neighborhood.  one thing i am learning from my little one is that one cannot have any expectation when one goes for a walk.  uma has her own pace...she walks and then stops to listen to birds, cars, lawn mowers, etc.  she stops to smell the flowers, to watch tiny ants crawling around, pick up sticks, stones, leaves, flowers that have fallen from bushes and trees.  these stops might cause a game to happen, or a long conversation to ensue.  what joy.  yes i'm learning to slow down and enjoy the moment.  thank you uma.

jule modeling one of her fab hats
here is my week in pictures....

hedy (over medicated)

uma's super-cool glasses

hello fish

we made a new skirt for baby
hands in mouth yummmm

chilling on the back patio

mr. robin



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